Χειρουργική Παχυσαρκίας

General dietary recommendations after obesity surgery

After obesity surgery, it is necessary to follow special dietary guidelines for the first month post-operatively.
The consumption of protein is very important at all stages, especially in the first period, because it promotes wound healing and boosts the immune system.
As the amount of food consumed post-operatively is quite small, it is usually recommended to use special nutritional supplements according to individual needs, by estimating requirements.
A balanced diet is necessary at all stages, but as you gradually increase your food intake, it is of great significance to include all food groups in the diet plan. You need protein from high biological value sources, such as meat, fish, chicken, milk, cheese, yogurt etc., starchy foods from rice, pasta, potatoes and cereals, as well as fats, vitamins and minerals from good types of fats (olive oil, nuts), fruits and vegetables.
In most cases, food intake is usually quite small, therefore individual nutritional needs are not necessarily met, therefore, it may be recommended to take multivitamins.
Mrs Iliadou is highly experienced in offering special dietray advice to people who have undertaken bariatric obesity surgery.


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